Qualifiche di insegnamento dell'inglese
Offriamo qualifiche di classe di inglese leader del settore che dimostrano cosa possono fare gli insegnanti di inglese. Partecipando a uno di questi corsi, migliorerai le tue conoscenze e abilità di insegnamento, accrescerai la tua sicurezza e farai progressi nella tua carriera di insegnante.
I nostri corsi offrono un'esperienza di insegnamento reale e ti aiutano a motivare e supportare i tuoi studenti. Tutte le nostre qualifiche di insegnamento sono assegnate al Cambridge English Teaching Framework e aiutano gli insegnanti ad avere un impatto positivo sull'apprendimento in classe.
Mattinata informativa CELTA
Riceverai maggiori informazioni sul CELTA durante la nostra mattinata informativa (10:00 - 11:00). Ulteriori dati su richiesta.
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Se desiderate insegnare l’inglese e cercate un certificato riconosciuto internazionalmente, lo troverete da CELTA. Il Certificate in English Language Teaching to Adults si rivolge a persone con poca o nessuna esperienza di insegnamento e dà loro la possiblilità di insegnare in tutto il mondo.
«Teaching English as a Foreign Language» (TEFL) come pure «Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages» (TESOL) sono delle denominazioni generali per l’insegnamento dell’inglese come lingua straniera. CELTA è l’unico diploma riconosciuto internazionalmente.
La formazione CELTA è in inglese.
Flying Teachers offre ai partecipanti al corso Celta l'opportunità di acquisire esperienza in classe con uno stage retribuito e completare un corso per conto proprio. Ciò offre ai partecipanti una buona conoscenza del campo di lavoro come insegnante di lingue e può praticamente applicare i loro approcci teorici appresi durante il corso.
Cogliere l'occasione!
Se sei interessato a questo tipo di stage, contattaci direttamente: teachertraining@flyingteachers.com
Ulteriori dettagli sui nostri corsi e moduli nel settore della formazione continua per insegnanti sono disponibili nelle nostre giornate informative a Zurigo o Berna. Non vediamo l'ora della tua visita!
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Corsi CELTA con Flying Teachers
Flying Teachers offers full-time CELTA courses. The course will teach you the principles of effective teaching and a range of practical skills for teaching English to adult learners. You will have hands-on teaching practice, observe experienced teachers in the classroom and complete four practically focused written assignments.
Our courses are designed to help you gain the certificate and make the course an enjoyable learning experience. Our CELTA Centre trainers have a reputation of being supportive and helpful: More than 500 teachers have done the CELTA with us.
The CELTA is both a challenging and a professionally rewarding experience. Trainees should be prepared to devote hours of study/research outside the training sessions each week. It is highly recommended that candidates have no other commitments during this time.
You will be assessed throughout the course, with no final examination. An external assessor, appointed by Cambridge ESOL, moderates each course.
Flying Teachers has been organizing CELTA courses since 2002 and we hire and have hired lots of English teachers through CELTA. Please refer to the last page of the application form for CELTA to understand the Flying Teachers Supervised Teaching Practice Programme (STP).
- The aim of the STP programme is to provide the Flying Teachers CELTA graduates with an opportunity to acquire a minimum of 80 teaching hours in a supported environment. The trainees teach groups of adult learners, using a coursebook and following detailed course programmes prepared by the Flying Teachers Teacher Training Department.
- The teachers get paid for taking part in this teacher training programme.
- The teachers receive a detailed certificate of participation in the programme (Arbeitszeugnis) describing what they have done during the month. Participating in STP does not mean that the candidate will be hired by Flying Teachers.
- Our Quality Management Department and class observations will enable us to assess the success of the programme and the suitability of the new teacher to become a Flying Teacher. Based on that, the teacher might immediately become a member of our staff. This means that the teacher will have access to our intranet, being able to apply for the teaching positions we advertise on a daily basis. Our statistics show that we offer part-time teaching positions to 80% of the people who take part in the STF.
Every CELTA course is assessed by an external moderator. This is a comment about Flying Teachers made by the assessor who inspected the Flying Teachers CELTA course in July 2020:
The centre has taken exceptional care to ensure that its online CELTA course is delivered to
the highest possible standard in every area. The trainers work well as a team.
Qualsiasi domanda? Ci contatti per favore!
I moduli Cambridge ESOL DELTA permettono di approfondire ed ampliare le vostre conoscenze e capacità di insegnante di inglese. Questi corsi di perfezionamento sono rivolti ad insegnanti con almeno un anno di esperienza pratica. Potete iscrivervi ad un singolo modulo oppure a diversi moduli, l’ordine non è rilevante. Alla fine del modulo ottenete un certificato.
Cambridge ESOL DELTA Course Programme
Potete scegliere tra i moduli seguenti:
- Module One fornisce le basi teoriche dell’insegnamento e dell’apprendimento.
- Module Two si focalizza sull’ampliamento della pratica professionale; richiede almeno 4000 ore di insegnamento.
- Module Three si focalizza sugli Assessments e sulla pianificazione di settings speciali (per es. Young Learners, ESOL, English for Special Purposes, 1:1), qui vi sono diverse offerte.
Il corso si svolge in inglese. Modulo di registrazione DELTA 2022
Understanding Language, Methodology and Resources for Teaching
The purpose of Module One is to:
- develop candidates’ knowledge of historical and current theories of first and second language acquisition
- increase candidates’ critical awareness of approaches and methodologies and the way they are used in a range of English language teaching contexts
- extend candidates’ knowledge of language systems and skills and the ways in which they are used
- increase candidates’ knowledge of learners’ problems in developing language and skills proficiency
- enable candidates to critically evaluate teaching and reference materials and resources in a range of English language teaching contexts
- increase candidates’ knowledge of the role and methods of assessment
Developing Professional Practice
The purpose of Module Two is to:
- develop candidates’ awareness of the ways that different circumstances affect the learning and teaching of English, and factors affecting the individual’s ability to learn
- develop understanding of the different roles of teachers and the principles underpinning them in the context of English language teaching
- develop the skills to plan lessons for different learning abilities
- develop the knowledge and skills to support learners in a range of contexts
- develop candidates’ beliefs about teaching and help them to evaluate their own performance and to improve as a teacher
- broaden candidates’ understanding of teaching as a professional practice
- develop expertise in spoken and written communication within their professional roles
Focus Business English BE
Become a Business English specialised teacher by taking part in our DELTA in Business English. The course offered by Flying Teachers will enable you to:
- develop your knowledge in relation to Business English
- develop your knowledge of the principles of curriculum design and assessment
- use practical ideas with your Business English learners that we provide you with in the course
- support and develop your learners’ communicative competence in Business English speaking and writing skills
Focus Teaching of Young Learners YL
The Flying Teachers DELTA Module Three preparation course focusing on YL teaching will enable you to:
- understand the theories and principles underlying effective YL teaching and how children learn
- identify the children’s needs and level
- design a course taking the learners’ needs into consideration
- select course material and teaching resources
- understand assessment and testing in the teaching of YL
Qualsiasi domanda? Ci contatti per favore!
The Cambridge English Teaching Knowledge Test Preparation Course will focus on:
Exam Tasks that aim to prepare you for the TKT Modules
English Teaching Methodology focusing on key principles related to the Teaching of English as a foreign language (This part of the course is very practical and aims to prepare you for the job market)
TKT Modules
The Teaching Knowledge Test (The TKT) is a test developed by Cambridge English Assessment for teachers who teach other languages. It is designed to test candidates‘ knowledge of concepts related to language and language use, and the backgraound to and practice of language teaching and learning. |
You can take TKT whatever your background and teaching experience. It is suitable if you are:
- either a pre-service or a practising teacher
- teaching primary, secondary or adult learners
- a non-first language or first language English speaker
- a teacher who wants to gain formal recognition of your experience, keep your teaching skills up to date and develop your career opportunities.
You ideally need to have English proficiency at CEFR Level B1 or above.
Important : Flying Teachers accepts TKT as a recognised teaching qualification but new teachers might be asked to give a trial lesson before being hired. Unlike CELTA, teachers who have passed TKT Modules 1, 2 and 3 will only be able to teach up to 200 hours a year. In order to teach for an unlimited number of hours, we recommend CELTA
Goal and Target-Audience
Pre-service/Preparation for CELTA or even DELTA ; Pre-service Course to work for Flying Teachers
Adults who would like to acquire a first Teacher Training Qualification and teachers already working in adult learning institutions. For people who teach Young Learners, we recommend the TKT: YL.
Restiamo volentieri a vostra disposizione per ulteriori informazioni: teachertraining@flyingteachers.com
Tel: 044 350 33 44